Our proposal seeks to set up induction heated pyrolysis plants in cities with low waste plastic recycling rate.
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Every human generates half a kilo of mixed waste according to estimates. 11 percent of which is plastic waste. Of the plastic waste, seven percent of it is plastic bags. This poses difficult issues for urban communities where the waste management is a key problem especially because of the non-biodegradable nature of some of these plastics. Kenya in particular has more than 60 years of the reserve of historical plastics. Despite the government’s effort to ban single-use plastics, the dumping of plastics continues to increase. Collecting some of these plastics is also a challenge since some are already buried deep in the ground and have been contaminated. And if collected, there aren’t enough plastic recycling facilities.
Our proposal seeks is to set up induction heated pyrolysis plants in cities with low waste plastic recycling rate, where waste plastic from landfills plastic will be brought to pyrolysis plants and converted to fuel.
Developed in the ’70s pyrolysis is a technology that turns waste plastic into fuel by heating the waste plastic in the absence of oxygen. And to effectively reverses the plastics production process by cracking the hydrocarbons to produce fuel.
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