Ponaa Briquettes recycles rice husks into smokeless alternative charcoal for cooking and heating by households and businesses.

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Demand for wood fuel (charcoal and firewood ) has been growing rapidly over the years in the major cities in Ghana due to the inadequate supply and unaffordable prices of electricity and LP gas for cooking. Over 80% of households in Ghana therefore depends on the unsustainable wood fuel for cooking. This has resulting in Ghana loosing over 135 hectors of trees yearly, according to the energy commission of Ghana.     On the other hand, waste management is a huge problem in most cities in Ghana. Our solution makes efficient use of organic waste by recycling agricultural wastes such as rice husks into briquettes as alternative to the wood fuel for cooking. By substituting wood charcoal with our briquettes, we prevent the cutting down of trees for charcoal production. This allows trees to remain standing as carbon sinks, which prevents further climate change. Since Ghana loses 135,000 hectors of land every year through charcoal and firewood, preventing further deforestation is also helping mitigate climate change.   This project will reduce the annual deforestation rate in Ghana which will contribute significantly to reducing carbon emissions and improving health . The project aims to sell 1,800 cookstoves and 8,400 tonnes of clean briquettes each year. Each tonne of briquettes saves 25 trees, resulting in a reduction of 42,000 tonnes of CO2e. Each household that switches from charcoal to briquettes will save USD 750 per year, while also leading to better health, resources and quality of life for children in low-income slums and rural areas.

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