Delivering food waste from households to a processing facility and simultaneously raising awareness by showing people how much they wasted.
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We want to help reduce the use of scarce material and help the city of Amsterdam become a more circular city. Thanks to the Municipality of Rotterdam and the TU Delft I was able to be part of the design challenge to reduce the city’s food waste and facilitate the transition from access food to enough food. We researched the different socio-economical classes of the city and pinpointed certain leverage points within the whole system that could help us change the way people see sustainability. Research showed that people completely underestimate the amount they waste and feel like they already spend more than enough time countering food waste. A good overview of the food available at home, information on how to reuse food, and being awarded for the right behavior, are what people think they need help with to reduce their food waste. For our project, we want to take the backup approach and start with helping people to consciously separate their food waste and get incentives for it. To do this I want to build a simple platform for people to separate their food waste and have it picked up. In the later stages after measuring the waste we can use this information to regulate the production and supply chain within a city to give accurate information about how we can take access food and distribute it to be enough for the city.
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