The event brings citizens, green entrepreneurs and sustainability enthusiasts together.

Long description

Zero Waste Berlin Festival is a community-based and practical-driven offline and online space for citizens, impact entrepreneurs, and sustainable organizations to reach transformative changes for a climate-resilient future. We are spearheading the creation of momentum for collective action among all actors of society in a fun environment while focusing on topics relating to zero-waste, circular economy, and sustainability within our chosen categories:

  • Green-tech
  • Sustainable Food System
  • Zero Waste Lifestyle
  • Sustainable Fashion
  • Green Cities
  • Self-care
  • Activism

ZWBF will be celebrated on the 17th-19th of September in Berlin in an hybrid format that will allow us to connect with our community locally and around the world.

To do so, we are connecting international stakeholders and creating a space for green and successful collaborations in the city of Berlin, one of the most vibrant hubs of green innovation and sustainability in Europe.

We acknowledge the challenges that a green transition poses, but we strive for many imperfect journeys rather than a few perfect ones.

Through a diversity of format the attendees will have the possibility to connect and learn from each other.

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