Motivating employees to incorporate sustainable practices in order to achieve their company’s best zero waste potential.

Long description

The Zero Waste Business Challenge is a program designed to support businesses moving closer to carbon neutrality. By educating and motivating employees we help companies to reach their best zero waste potential.

WHY: No more green washing ! We make a company’s circular ambitions concrete by measuring sustainability goals in numbers.

WHAT: Wegozero enables businesses to integrate principles of the circular economy circularity into their strategy by embedding zero waste practices.

HOW: With a 7-week zero waste business challenge that motivates employees to put their company’s sustainability goals into practice.

In a first step, we ask companies to take a survey and schedule a Zero Waste Audit with us. After evaluating the company’s status quo we kick off with a zero waste 101 workshop followed by putting sustainability into practice and implementing zero waste practices into the companies strategy.

Step 1: Zero Waste 101 – Kick off workshop

Step 2: Zero waste goal setting by using the OKR method

Step 3: Challenge start & team building: 5-weeks adaptation cycle program (Refuse-Reduce-Reuse-Recycle-Rot – we tackle one R per week)

Step 4: Weekly check-in & progress report

Step 5: Reality check & adjustments to goal setting (step 2)

Step 6: Closing workshop & zero waste implementation to the companys’ strategy

Step 7: Follow up & ongoing motivation

This program is available fully online or in person. We also offer hybrid solutions.

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