Invisible Food
The Invisible Food platform brings companies that want to donate food with NGOs.
The Invisible Food platform brings companies that want to donate food with NGOs.
Small desktop device for recycling paper to the 3D Shape (Works with USB) The Environment and Arts as part of Sustainability
BSID is the national platform that mobilizes multi-stakeholders in realizing Zero Waste Indonesia through an ICT-based participatory movement.
The bagless cord transports boxed goods by offering the convenience of a bag at a fraction of the financial and environmental costs.
A mindful and local solution to the global problems of wildfires, unemployment and plastic pollution.
Animal feeds that turn zero-value food waste into bacteria-based protein fodder and sinks carbon in the process.
In de Peukenbak Inthebutthole
From renewable agricultural waste to compostable, harmless sheet materials. Ready for local mass-consumption of indoor furniture.
Handheld face mask and accessory sanitizer to keep it safe to handle your items again throughout the day.
The Crayfish Factory is a low-tech machine that invites the public to play an active role in transforming waste into sustainable biomaterials
Manufacturing of single-use organic cutlery from agricultural waste.
Furniture made from wood that is being thrown away