Milieu – Biogas & Compost

R-UP3RT-0 by Milieu is a house appliance that transforms your organic waste into biogas and compost effortlessly in order to reduce GHG emissions.

From food waste to animal feed

Utilización de la pasta de aguacate para la creación de alimento para ganado que disminuya el impacto negativo al ambiente y mejore la calidad de vida



Less plastic in our lives means healthier people, and no more plastic in our bodies and in our planet.

APP to boost GREEN-thinking

NOT boring eco-app! A companion that tells positive edu-stories, advises, and calls to act. Youth-oriented, making you want to live and act green.

METAVOGUE your digital fashion

METAVOGUE empowers you to wear and express yourself with digital fashion throughout your daily digital life to cut fashion’s footprint.

The Trading Network

A bartering network with credits to allow big and small items to be traded.

Green Venture Tanzania

we recycle plastic waste to create durable and affordable construction materials for low income people in Tanzania.


There are fully ecological notebooks that are made from the one-sided waste paper, recycled plastic & recycled (craft) paper.

With this picture, we want to show how these materials seem like a waste and are really a perfect input to the same or other industries. It is the responsibility of every actor in the chain to stop waste production.

UWEPA! Platform

UWEPA!: a "phy-gital" platform and movement that brings together key local waste management system stakeholders to transform it.

Básicos de México/ REcupera

Básicos de México model is based in circular design. We recycle all our fabric waste and have a Recycling/ Reuse program for our costumers.