To reduce pollution caused by the use of single use plastic bottles by encouraging and enabling a water refill culture in residential apartments.

Tita Au’s Corner

Tita Au's Corner is an environmental education series which focuses on empowering people on how to manage and reduce their waste.


Vamos a cambiar el mundo fomentando un estilo de vida cero residuos disminuyendo nuestra huella ecológica mediante alternativas sustentables.


An iceberg-shaped modular pouf made with single-use masks collected from the streets.

Drop & Loop

The first in the Netherlands with a zero-contaminated circular textile programme that offers a customer discount through an instore installation.


Sustainable production ,packaging and distribution of waste free periods products from underutilized agricultural waste .

Flexismart Segregation bins

Flexismart bins are made to enable segregation of waste at surce, with the surety that they will be diverted from landfills.

from trash to fashion

R-Coat- from trash to fashion

We are a community-based fashion brand that turns broken umbrellas collected by the people into fashion pieces to reduce waste.

DiscoverBrands filament and merchadise

DiscoverBrands 3D Printing

We recycle PET plastic and E-waste into 100% PET 3D printing filament and E-waste 3D printers respectively.


Sem educação não há evolução, através da tecnologia mudaremos os velhos hábitos.