Plastic bags can have new meaning as functional objects or sculptures, creating value for those involved in their transformation.
Plastic bags can have new meaning as functional objects or sculptures, creating value for those involved in their transformation.
A new option to a "circular" life and a fair economy for the planet.
Linha de produtos que através do design circular mantém em uso materiais plásticos reciclados pelo máximo de tempo possível.
Use of organic waste for the production of biodegradable products from biological sources
Packz, the Pack with Z “zero waste”, is breaking free from linear economy in e-commerce.
Sucata Quântica: a creative reuse centre in really few square meters.
Elevar el nivel de conocimiento de los usuarios para que aprovechen equipos de cómputo restaurados, fomentando la economía circular.
Our proposal is to show the value of discarded materials teaching how to develop contemporary jewelry and accessories.
Reciclamos plástico y lo transformamos en arte con impacto social y ambiental.
Rainwater harvesting system base on plastic waste.
Educar a los habitantes de una zona sobre como separar su residuos y tener mejor hábitos